2009 m. birželio 20 d., šeštadienis


Thursday, 2009-06-18

That day, we saw a great performance by Klaipeda. Their outstanding performance gave us incredible emotions.
They are very great dancers, we were happy, that there are such incredible talents. And their slideshows were incredible. We laughed a lot.
We were full of good emotions. Next, we were talking about our questions for the Youth, which turned into a debate.
It sure wasn't easy, but we did it and we felt great. It was great, that we thought about almost the same questions as the polish kids.
Yeah, this day was tiring, but we were happy, because we did another task.
Klaipeda's performance was very energetic and fabulous, it left us with great emotions. Joy and other great emotions were braught by this performance.
Their faces were shining with energy, everyone watching the performance was engulfed by it. Our hearts were thumping.
When the show ended, our preparation for the conference was next. We discused the questions, that we had thought about.
It wasn't an easy job, but our group did it, because we worked like one, big, happy familly.
In the new hotel, there wasn't any conference room, so we sat on the ground in a nice room.
We call it the "Green Room". When we are sitting there, we can almost feel each other's thoughts and emotions. That is really great.
We were joined by a new member - Hubert. In our point of view, he is a nice and good person. We think he will bring some good emotions with himself.
We are also thankful for Hubert, because he had done some questions for the Youth by himself.
He did a wonderful job - that shows how much the Youth can do.
With every day, we get some new and incredible experience, which will surely help us in the future.
We are very happy to get this opportunity, because we are improving and learning something new at the same time.
There are many great young people here, and it makes us very happy.

Ketviradienis, 2009-06-18

Siandiena ivyko Klaipediskiu pasirodymas, tai buvo namu darbai kuriuos, jie atliko cia Olecke. Jos padare gana nuostabu
sou, gavome ir pasijuokti ir suzinoti svarbiu dalyku apie Lietuvos prezidentus. Mums buvo smagu, nes galejome jaustis kaip
mokykloje. Na zinoma, labiausiai mus suzavejo tai, kaip pasirode INTRUS merginos, jos tikrai geros sokejos.
Veliau mes turejome truputeli nuobodu, bet svarbu susirinkima, kur aptareme debatu klausimus. Diskutavome ir ilgai aptarinejome,
kokius klausimus rinktis, kaip viska formuluoti ir t.t. Dabar anketos baigtos. Mes dziaugiames savo darbu.
Aisku, nebuvo lengva, bet mes atlikome viska iki galo ir teisingai. Dar nauja tai, kad mes atvykome i Varsuva ir apsistojome sveciu namuose.
Na cia nera tokia sauni atmosfera, kokia buvo Olecke, bet dziaugiames tuo ka turime. Prie musu prisijunge naujas narys. Tai
Hubertas, jis gana saikstus ir geras zmogus. Mes tikimes, kad i musu kompanija jis ines kazka naujo ir nepatirto.
Kiekviena diena mums suteikia nauju emociju ir patyrimu. Kyla musu patirties lygis ir t.t.
Dar nemateme Vasuvos, bet tikime kad rytoj pamatysime ja ir galesime patirti dar daugiau naujo.
Mums labai smagu. Dziaugiames, kad atvykome cia, bet ilgimes musu mylimo Olecko !


Marius Rutkauskas, Dainius Biskis, Deividas Slivinksas, Mindaugas Gruzinskas

Our day began with fabulous Salsa rhythm, it gave us so much joy, sometimes much laughter,
good emotions. We are lucky, that we have such a good leader, his lessons make us very happy.
When we were dancing, we felt relaxed and excited.
Then, we nade questions for the Youth. It was a real challenge for us, but we were happy, that we did it.
It was hard and fun at the same time. We tried ourselves in new roles.
Later, we were preparing for the big show. In the time of the repetition we were tense, but the great actor,
Roman, was able to gather our attetion. We were very relieved that we done the acting.
Painting our faces after the repetition was very fun, it tickled our faces, we were also joking.
After we painted our faces, we had some free time, so we decided to warm-up and play some games.
Playing was really fun and great, but we felt stage fear before our show.
But when the time arrived, we felt many emotions: stage fear, joy, our hearts were thumping.
We felt very great and incredible, because it was something ew, and it left very good and
unforgetable memories. The fire breathers were awesome, it left us with even more good
emotions. We felt enthusiastic.
When we came back to the hotel, we hurried to wash our faces. It was very funny to look at
each other's faces - they were black and white. We looked like clowns. It made us even happier.
With all these emotions, we travelled to the fireplace while singing. At the campfire we warmed-up
and calmed down. We chatted with each other and made new friends. It was calm and awesome.
We relaxed a little bit.
The days went by very fastly, because we do so much great things. It's all thanks to our
co-ordinator, Mr. Zbignew, we are never bored.

Agne Anisimaviciute

A Very very very nice day !
I can't believe that yesterday i became an actress Roman improved us that everybody can be actors.
I feel I happy to be here in Olecko. I always had a fear of stage, but today I'm not afraid at all.
I'm just feeling glad. Everything was good. But I hate when everybody have to paint faces in white,
because it was ichy. And minds about face wash scaring me. When we painted our faces in white
everybody looked like group KISS we were singing like this:
Tdddd Tdddd Shyva !
Tdddd Tdddd Koja !
Tdddd Tdddd Shyva !
Tdddd Tdddd Koja !
And etc.
(Shyva - white horse, koja - leg)
That was realy funny everybody were laughing like shyvos !
This day was full of glad !
Wopho, goodnight.

Dominyka Girdauskaite

I'm very glad about this day !
I liked very funny atmosphere, friendly and comunicative people, but the most of all I was waiting for
an interesting and never seen performance at the square. I felt like a real mim. It was a wonderfull feeling.
Everybody was waching our show with interest. I'm very glad, that I can not jus watch, but act with real actors.
It's great bcause I do what I never had done. I will never forget this day.
I don't feel sorry that I am here and I beleive, that in Warsaw I will have a great time !

Patricija Girdauskaite

The dat was full of emotions. I saw many new things.
We started the morning with Salsa steps. Later, after the Salsa, we went to our mimes repetition.
We got cold when we were painting our faces in white color, but Dainius helped me to forget about the cold.
We played with him some active games and I showed some yoga moves to my friends.
Our show started. I was a bit nervous like everyone else, but everything went great ! I guess I can be a mime !
I have never thought that I will have this oportunity. It was great to watch polish guys in the end of the show.
They were playing with fire. It looked really incredible, but I was afraid of flying ashes.
After the performance some kids were staring at our faces. Maybe we looked very strange.
At night, we were sitting aroung the fire. We were singing, talking, laughing. I was very happy, but my legs hurt
very badly. I didn't worry about it because around me was many sweet and friendly people.

Simona Abraityte

This day was the most interesting day, because we had to act in the city square and comunicate with
polish youth in english language. Most of the people weren't interested in the repetitions and didn't listen
to our teachers and leaders. That scared me. While we were waiting for the performance, we played some
funny games in groups, because we got bored and cold. After that, we came to the square and suddenly we
heard a song - "Come on baby, light my fire", which was in our lithuanian clip. We felt incredible emotions.
We did not worry when we were acting. I think because we were in a huge group of people. When we had
done our performance, we were very happy and we were congratulating each other. Our teachers thanked
us and invited us to a fireplace. We were talking and sharing our evening emotions.

Simona Abraityte

Si diena buvo pati idomiausia, nes dalyvavome miesto renginyje, ir bendravome su lenkais angliskai.
Per repeticijas dauguma buvo nesusikaupe ir isiblaske, bei neatidus, tai man gasdino.
Belaukiant renginio pradzios mes susigalvojome ivairiu zaidimu, kad butu linksmiau ir silciau.
Nukeliave i aikste laukeme uz uzsklandu ir netiketai isgirdome daina ''Common baby, light my fire'',
kuri buvo musu lietuviskame klipe. Mus, lietuvius, uzvalde geros ir pakilios emocijos.
Vaidindami renginyje, mes visiskai nesijaudinome. Gal del to, kad vaidino didelis burys.
Atlike savo uzduoti buvome labai laimingi ir sveikinome vieni kitus.Musu mokytojai mums dekojo, ir kviete
prie lauzo, kur visi bendravome ir dalinomes vakaro emocijomis.

Patricijos Girdauskaites

Diena buvo pilna ispudziu. Patyriau daug idomiu dalyku.
Ryta pradejome nuotaikingais salsos zingsneliais, o veliau, padirbeje, iszygiavome ruostis mimu spektakliui.
Besidazant veidus baltai ir beveik tampant mimais, truputi susalome, taciau padejo visa tai uzmirsti, Dainiaus
linksmi pratimai. Jis ismokino daryti idomu apsilima, zaisti nuotaikinga zaidima, o as parodziau jogos pratima.
Netrukus musu pasirodymas. Jaudinausi kaip ir visi, bet viskas pavyko puikiai. Pasirodo galiu vaidinti mimu spektaklyje.
Tai buvo nuostabu. Niekada negalvojau, kad bus tokia galimybe. Paliko dideli ispudi lenku sou su ugnimi.
Atrode tikrai labai suaniai. Tacau siauba kele skriejancios ziezirbos. Po spektaklio prie musu pribego daug smalsiu vaiku, turbut
jiems mes atrodeme labai keisti. :) Vakara prateseme prie didelio lauzo visi kartu. Dainavome, snekjome. Juokemes.
Mano nuotaika buvo puiki, iskytus tai, kad ziauriai skaudejo kojas, taciau, tai nieko baisaus, kai aplink visi toki darugiski ir mieli

Agne Anisimaviciute

Sauni, sauni, sauni diena !
As negaliu patiketi, kad vakar as tapau aktore. Romanas mums irode, kad visi galime buti aktoriais.
As labai dziaugiuosi, kad galiu buti cia, Olecke. As visada turejau scenos baime, bet siandiena as nebijojau visai. Tiesiog jauciausi laiminga.
Viskas buvo gerai. Negalejau pakesti, kai visi turejome nusidazyti veidus baltai. Mane nieztejo. Ir mintys apie veido plovima gasdino mane.
Kai nusidazeme savo veidus baltai, atrodeme kaip grupe KISS. Mes dainavome stai taip:
Tdddd Tdddd Syva!
Tdddd Tdddd Koja!
Tdddd Tdddd Syva!
Tdddd Tdddd Koja!
Tai buvo tikrai juokinga. Visi juokemes kaip syviai.
Si diena buvo pilna dziaugsmo.
Wopho! Labanakt! :}

Dominyka Girdauskaite

Labai dziaugiuosi tuo ka patyriau siandien.
Man labai patiko linksma aplinka, draugiski ir bendraujantys zmones, bet labiausiai laukiau ir sulaukiau labai labai idomaus ir nepatirto pasirodymo aiksteje.
Pasijutau kaip tikra mime. Nuostabus jausmas!
Visi su susidomejimu ziurejo i mus.
As dziaugiuosi, kad galejau ne tik ziureti, bet ir vaidinti ten. Taigi, labai dziaugiuosi, nes patyriau tai, ko dar nebuvau patyrusi.
Man buvo labai idomu ir as niekada nepamirsiu sitos dienos nuotykiu.
Nesigailiu, kad cia esu ir tikiu, kad dar bus daug tokiu pat smagiu dienu! :]

Dainius Biskis, Mindaugas Gruzinskas, Deividas Slivinskas, Marius Rutkauskas.

Musu diena prasidejo nuostabiais salsos ritmais, kurie mums suteike daug dziaugsmo.
Mums pasiseke, kadturejome nuostabu vadova, kuris mus pradziugino salsos pamokomis.
Sokdami labai atsipalaidavome ir jautemes pakyleti.
Veliau sudarinejome klausimus. Tai buvo tikras isbandymas, taciau mes sugebejome susitvarkyti su sia uzduotimi.
Veliau mes ejome ruostis vakaro pasirodymui. Repeticijos metu buvome gana issblaske, bet vadovas Romanas mus sugebejo puikiai sutvarkyti.
Jautemes smagiai ir pakyleti. Dazytis veidus buvo labai smagu. Baltais veidais smagiai juokavome. Turejome truputi laisvo laiko.
Tad nusprendeme susilti ir pazaisti zaidima, buvo linksma ir smagu. Taciau artejantis jaudulys mus neramino.
Jautemes suzaveti.
Grize i viesbuti skubejome praustis veidus. Atrodeme labai juokingi. Tai vel mus padare laimingus.
Uzplusti visu siu jausmu mes jautemes nuostabiai ir keliavome prie lauzo. Cia praleidome puiku laika. Susiradome nauju draugu.
Atsipalaidavome ir pailsejome. Dienos bega labai greitai, nes turime daug veiklos. Uztai dekojame savo koordinatoriui Zbigniavui.

2009 m. birželio 15 d., pirmadienis

2009 - 06 - 15, Monday

Monday 2009 - 06 - 15
Second day

7:45 - We woke up and went jogging. Nature was very wonderful, we saw the sunrise and a big lake.

9:00 - We went to the restaurant, with bad or good smell after the jogging.

Breakfast Menu:
Coffee and tea

10:00 - Awesome Salsa dance class. We trained our young, but frozen bones. We learned some spanish phrases and funny moves. At 12 o'clock we moved by Salsa steps to the conference to the city major. It was too hot to drink tea so we drank mineral water. After the conference we came back home.

14:30 “zupa na obiad” and incredibly large stakes were already waiting for us. After the dinner we split out for few ours. Some of us were in the pool, others played football, the most tired had gone to sleep.

17:00 We went out to city again. Our first stop was at a theatre and there we met a man with a white face. There we saw a strange, but an interesting performance. After it we knew what we are going to do later. We were splited to four groups and went out to four different places of the city. Some were spitting fire, joggling fire staffs, walking on wooden sticks, acting phantomim. Everything was really great. All what we done we are going to do at Hepening on Wednesday.

20:00 We came back to the hotel and we had supper.

20:30 Everybody started to eat pancakes which reminded home.

21:30 We saw a polish presentation “Our ways to freedom” and spoke about tomorrow’s plan.

23:00 Everybody is going to sleep.


2009 - 06 - 15


Pirma rimto darbo diena Olecke.

7:45 atsikeleme, begome krosa su ispudingu vaizdu i ezera ir kylancia saule,padareme manksta su isprotejusiais teempimo pratimais.

9:00 kas nusimaude, kas su prakaito kvapeliu (po rytinio kroso) susirinkome prie pusryciu stalo.


Siulo storio desreles

Sausi pusryciai is neatsidaranciu indu

Uzgeriame kava ir arbata

10:00 paselusi salsos pamoka pramankstiname savo jaunus, bet susitirusius kaulus. Suzinojome keleta ispanisku fraziu ir linksmu judesiu.

12:00 salsos zingsniu nujudejome i konferencija pas miesto mera. Neisdryse isgersti arbatos ir prisiklause keistu lenkisku zodziu su mineralinio buteliukais rankose iskeliavome atgal i viesbuti.

14:30 musu lauke zupa na obiad ir beprotisko dydzio kepsniai. Po pietu visi pabirome porai valandu (baseinas, miestas, miegas, futbolas, ezeras).

17:00 vel vykome i miesta, pirmasis sustojimas teatras. Mus sutiko zmogus baltu veidu. Cia isvydome keista regini ir suzinojome ka turesime daryti toliau. Susiskirsteme i keturias grupres ir isiskirsteme keturiose miesto dalyse. Spjaudeme ugni, sukome ugnies lazdas, vaiksciojome kojukais, uzsiiminejome mimiku teatru. Tai laikas skirtas ruostis Happening'ui, kuris ivyks treciadieni.

20:00 grizome i viesbuti, cia mums buvo pateikta vakariene. Nieko nelauke visi puole valgyti.
Meniu:Blynai su varske, kurie primine namus.

21:30 : "MUSU KELIAI I LAISVE" lenku grupes prezentacija, ziurejome lenku paruosta mini filmuka ir aptareme rytdienos programa.

Labanakt :} ?

P.S. Atleiskite, kad nera nosiniu raidziu. Lenkijoje ju neatradome.