2009 m. birželio 20 d., šeštadienis


Thursday, 2009-06-18

That day, we saw a great performance by Klaipeda. Their outstanding performance gave us incredible emotions.
They are very great dancers, we were happy, that there are such incredible talents. And their slideshows were incredible. We laughed a lot.
We were full of good emotions. Next, we were talking about our questions for the Youth, which turned into a debate.
It sure wasn't easy, but we did it and we felt great. It was great, that we thought about almost the same questions as the polish kids.
Yeah, this day was tiring, but we were happy, because we did another task.
Klaipeda's performance was very energetic and fabulous, it left us with great emotions. Joy and other great emotions were braught by this performance.
Their faces were shining with energy, everyone watching the performance was engulfed by it. Our hearts were thumping.
When the show ended, our preparation for the conference was next. We discused the questions, that we had thought about.
It wasn't an easy job, but our group did it, because we worked like one, big, happy familly.
In the new hotel, there wasn't any conference room, so we sat on the ground in a nice room.
We call it the "Green Room". When we are sitting there, we can almost feel each other's thoughts and emotions. That is really great.
We were joined by a new member - Hubert. In our point of view, he is a nice and good person. We think he will bring some good emotions with himself.
We are also thankful for Hubert, because he had done some questions for the Youth by himself.
He did a wonderful job - that shows how much the Youth can do.
With every day, we get some new and incredible experience, which will surely help us in the future.
We are very happy to get this opportunity, because we are improving and learning something new at the same time.
There are many great young people here, and it makes us very happy.

Ketviradienis, 2009-06-18

Siandiena ivyko Klaipediskiu pasirodymas, tai buvo namu darbai kuriuos, jie atliko cia Olecke. Jos padare gana nuostabu
sou, gavome ir pasijuokti ir suzinoti svarbiu dalyku apie Lietuvos prezidentus. Mums buvo smagu, nes galejome jaustis kaip
mokykloje. Na zinoma, labiausiai mus suzavejo tai, kaip pasirode INTRUS merginos, jos tikrai geros sokejos.
Veliau mes turejome truputeli nuobodu, bet svarbu susirinkima, kur aptareme debatu klausimus. Diskutavome ir ilgai aptarinejome,
kokius klausimus rinktis, kaip viska formuluoti ir t.t. Dabar anketos baigtos. Mes dziaugiames savo darbu.
Aisku, nebuvo lengva, bet mes atlikome viska iki galo ir teisingai. Dar nauja tai, kad mes atvykome i Varsuva ir apsistojome sveciu namuose.
Na cia nera tokia sauni atmosfera, kokia buvo Olecke, bet dziaugiames tuo ka turime. Prie musu prisijunge naujas narys. Tai
Hubertas, jis gana saikstus ir geras zmogus. Mes tikimes, kad i musu kompanija jis ines kazka naujo ir nepatirto.
Kiekviena diena mums suteikia nauju emociju ir patyrimu. Kyla musu patirties lygis ir t.t.
Dar nemateme Vasuvos, bet tikime kad rytoj pamatysime ja ir galesime patirti dar daugiau naujo.
Mums labai smagu. Dziaugiames, kad atvykome cia, bet ilgimes musu mylimo Olecko !

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